
Sunday, June 19, 2011


The Spanish Silver Reales Hammered Coins-"Cob"


"Cobs"(Real Batu).Obverse.

"Cobs"(Real Batu).Reverse.
Hammered coins were produced by placing a blank piece of metal between two dies, and then striking the upper die with a hammer to produce the required image on both sides. The planchet was usually cast from a mold. The bottom die was usually counter sunk in a log. One of the minters held the die for the other side in his hand while it was struck either by himself or an assistant.

Spanish/Mexico Silver 'Cob'.
8 Reales.Obverse.
(Tan Tai Seng Collection)
Spanish/Mexico Silver 'Cob'.
8 Reales.Obverse.
(Tan Tai Seng Collection)

These Spanish/Mexico silver reales hammered coins are belonged to Mr.Tan Tai Seng.There were given to him by Mr.Tan Eng Wan,the Penang famous coin dealer on Penang Island.

Spanish Seville.Silver Reales 'Cob'.
4 Reales.Obverse.
(Tan Tai Seng Collection)
Spanish Seville.Silver Reales 'Cob'.
4 Reales.Reverse.
(Tan Tai Seng Collection)

In 1993,Mr.Tan Eng Wan found a lot of 200 over pieces of Spanish Silver Reales/Cob sold by a trader by the seaside of Jakarta when he was on a tour in Indonesia.There were mixed of 2,4 and 8 reales Spanish Silver Cobs and was told there were the salvage from the Santa Maria shipwreck.He bought the whole lots from the trader and was told that there were two pieces of heart shaped Spanish Gold Escudo Cobs were sold to a gold smith shop nearby.Mr.Tan Eng Wan immediately went to the gold smith shop but the owner of the goldsmith shop refused to tell the truth and declined to admit that he has bought the two pieces of  heart shaped Spanish Gold Escudo Cobs.

Spanish/Mexico Silver 'Cob'.
2 Reales.reverse.
(Tan Tai Seng Collection)
Spanish/Mexico Silver 'Cob'.
2 Reales.Obverse.
(Tan Tai Seng Collection)

In the same year,Mr.Tan Eng Wan took that lot of  Spanish Silver Reales/Cob, went to Hong Kong with Mr.Tan Tai Seng.He cherry picked each denomination a  piece gave to Mr.Tan Tai Seng and the rest sold to an American dealer for a good profit.

Spanish Escudos - ImageA piece of heart shaped Spanish Gold Escudo Cob was put on auction at the same time and was sold for thirty over thousand American dollar,apparently it came from the same shipwreck of Santa Maria!


  1. Wow, beautiful.
    Its a pity Mr. Tan didn't get the two heart shaped ones too.
    Really, if one was rich during the 60s to 90s, there were so many things that one could buy lock stock and barrel.
    Nowadays especially with access to the net, stories of good stuffs spread faster than a wild bush fire.
    Hard to get so many good stuffs like that at one go unless one is loaded.
    Nice story, Dickson :)

  2. Hello,

    It is interesting to know that many interested into COB. While I myself still in Spain, that prices are already sky-rocketing, but I beg to differ. These kind of Reales they are RRR, because you can still find them around - and with these Spanish people who do not seem that much interested into their own history, most of them were bought by outsiders.

    The last time i was in Barcelona, a piece of 8 Reales was €60, in pristine condition, while COB demanded twice the amount.

    I have in my collection Bolivia 2 Reales, I shall be looking forward to post it here too.

    As for fraction of Reales would be Maravedis, of which I have only one, unfortunately. I was told that Maravedis (made of copper) is harder to find. Of all Reales and Maravedis - the one minted in Ibiza is the most sought after. I try to bid, but easily outbid by 10 times of what I had offered.

    Keep up the good job.


  3. Hi Halim Shahirasul,
    Thank you for your good infos.Yes, I was told by my sifus,certain Mint's COBS are more sought after,and those with dates/years visible can get much higher price.Cobs listed in auctions with dates visible are always in the range of US350 to US500 regards the Mint.
    Dickson Niew
