
Monday, August 29, 2011


Malaysia Split Planchet Before Strike Error Coin.Extremely Thin. 


Hari Raya Reunion.

Split Planchet Before Strike:
Planchet splits before being struck and each half is thin normally with weak design and/or lines on obverse and reverse.

On 21 August 2011,I found a brother of my Split Planchet Before Strike Error Coin, which I posted on 5 June 2011.The Malaysia Parliament Series 1985.50 Cents.

Malaysia.1985.50 Cents.
Split Planchet Before Strike.Obverse.
(Dickson Niew Collection)

Malaysia.1985.50 Cents.
Split Planchet Before Strike.Reverse.
(Dickson Niew Collection)

Thickness Comparison Between A Normal 50 Cents And A Split Planchet Before Strike Error Coin.
No Milled Edge.

RSP: RM 699.00
This "Brother", a Malaysia Parliament series 1976 20 Cents,just came in time to join the Raya reunion with his brother.

Malaysia.1976.20 Cents.
Split Planchet Before Strike.Reverse.
(Dickson Niew Collection)

Malaysia.1976.20 Cents.
Split Planchet Before Strike.Obverse.
(Dickson Niew Collection)

Thinner Planchet With Milled Edge.
Weight: 3.32gm. (Normal :5.65gm).

RSP: RM499.00


  1. Hi Dickson,
    Wow, 699 and 499.
    These numbers are more easy to remember, haha.
    Ya, frankly we really need all these price references to gauge the state of our error coin collections.
    Great work, Dickson.
    Please keep it up.
    By the way, could you let us know how to differentiate between acid coins and these genuine split planchet coins?
    Thanking you in advance, Dickson :)

  2. Acid coins are often crude,change of colour, the surface is highly porous and the coin often appears with loss of detail on both obverse and reverse. Displays a peculiar graininess and surface porosity,also shown points of unnatural rippled dimpled,undulation effect.

    RSP is just my opinion after consulted some Singaporians and Johorians.They see us from "outside" we are too "localised".

  3. Hi Dickson,
    Thanks a lot for the pointers on acid coins.
    By the way, we believe with your vast experience and good communication with all the sifus, the RSPs quoted best reflect the current market values of these niche of coins at the moment.
    Please keep up with the good work.
    Thanks so much, Dickson :)

  4. Hi Mr.Dickson,
    Selamat bertemu kembali,sy sangat tertarik dgn RSPs bagi syiling2 yg dipamirkan ini.Sy ada sekeping 10 sen tapi tidak cantik macam yg ini,agaknya berapa RSPnya.
    Mr.Niew,adakah acara lelong MNS untuk koleksi ahlinya sahaja atau ada juga peluang utk bukan ahli?..
    Terima kasih banyak2 Mr.Niew

  5. Dear depankanta,
    Selamat kembali ke dunia numismatik.
    Minta maaf,saya tidak dapat agak berapa RSP 10 sen syiling Split Planchet Before Strike yg anda ada kerana kurang infos,sila sertai info-info seperti:
    -Siri berapa?
    -Tahun berapa?
    -Conditionnya.UNC atau EF?
    -Paling bagus kalau ada gambar!
    Saya cadang depankanta post keatas Blog depankanta supaya semua peminat errors dapat nikmatinya dan buat komen-komen ke atasnya.
    Auction MNS hanya untuk ahli-ahlinya sahaja, permit yang kita ada hanya untuk society dan bukan untuk public.Permohonan permit lelong untuk public masih dalam pertimbangan society kerana MNS adalah satu badan NGO.
    Depankanta hanya perlu bayar RM60.00 untuk tahun pertama dan RM40.00 untuk yuran tahunan seterusnya.Saya alu-alukan kamu menyertai MNS,kita perlu banyak lagi "new blood" dalam society ini.

  6. Hi Mr.Dickson,
    Terima kasih banyak2,sebenarnya syiling 10 sen berkenaan telan lama dipamir dlm blog depankanta.Keadaannya agak kurang cantik!.
    Bagi keahlian MNS,sy dah lama fikirkannya,memandangkan sy jarang ke KL dan dalam proses pembelajaran dibidang Numismatik ini.Kadang2 terfikir takut nanti sy jadi ahli yang bermasaalah.Jadi buat masa sekarang biar lah sy belajar dan kumpulkan banyak2 syiling error nanti sampai masanya sy akan sertai MNS..kalau ada sekeping dua koleksi sy yg ada nilai biar lah sy jual secara kecil-kecilan dulu..hehehe
    Terima kasih banyak2 Mr Niew...

  7. Dear depankanta,
    Mungkin kamu boleh start satu numismatic society di Kelantan dan link dengan kita.
    Biar bermula secara kecil kecil pun tak apa,lama-lama akan jadi besar dan saya boleh kunjung kamu lebih kerap!haha!

  8. wahhh...satu idea y bagus tuu..leh la bukakk numismatic society kt kelantan..saya pn boleh join skali..heheh

  9. Hi NMF NIhonGO,
    Welcome to visit my Blog !
    And welcome to promote numismatic in Kelantan,hope one day I can visit you guys in Kelantan.

  10. Hi Mr. Dickson,
    l too have one of this error coin year1991,10sen condition EF(my own grading)which l brought down for you to see but you was not free.Maybe next trip ,l will call first.
    Thanks now l know what my this error coin call.
