
Thursday, August 25, 2011


Malaysia Wrong Planchet Stock Errors.


Malaysia.1981.50 Cents.
Wrong Planchet Stock Errors.Reverse.
(Dickson Niew Collection)
Malaysia.1981.50 Cents.
Wrong Planchet Stock Errors.Obverse.
(Dickson Niew Collection)
The Wrong Planchet Stock Errors.
When a coin is struck on the wrong planchet, this means coin was struck on the blank (planchet) that was made for another denomination. Some examples would be a 10 Cents planchet struck with 20 Cents dies. A 5 Cents planchet struck with 10 Cents dies.
Coins struck on the wrong planchet are rare and demand a higher premium.
A much rarer error is a Malaysia denomination struck on a foreign planchet.

Weight: 6.98gm. (Normal: 9.33gm).
Diameter: 25.00mm. (Normal: 27.70mm).
Thickness :1.60mm--1.80mm. (Normal: 2.00mm)
Edge: No Lettered Edge.

Thinner on 7 o'clock position to 2 o'clock position
One side ( from 7 o'clock position to 2 o'clock position) of the coin is thicker then the other side ( 2 o'clock position to 7 o'clock position) on the reverse.
Thicker on 2 o'clock position to 7 o'clock position 

No Lettered edge.
Coin Size:W:6.98gm X D:25.00mm X T:1.60mm/1.80mm.
We do not have any Malaysia denomination with this size. Hence, I believed that this coin was struck on a planchet intended for foreign country. 

RSP: RM699.00


  1. Hi Dickson,
    Phew, what a beauty!
    Some more its a 50sen denomination.
    So far, we have yet to find one of these.
    And considering its rarity, a RSP of RM499 is not too much to ask for this specimen which may be unique.
    Even if we don't mention about those exorbitant prices in the matured error coin markets like the US, when we compare it with the Singaporean market, it still looks cheap.
    By the way, Dickson, please correct us if we are wrong.
    We believe the introduction of a specialised catalogue for Malaysian error coins and varieties, will help reflect the true values of all these coins and opens up the road to a more sophisticated market.
    Without a catalogue, growth for this niche of coins will be slow.
    Just look back at the 'extra dot' listed in ST's catalogue and how so many collectors have gone crazy over them.
    We believe most collectors or would be collectors want certainty and a catalogue confirms it.
    Your listing of valuation here will definitely be good reference for us to work with our collections.
    Thanks so much, Dickson :)

  2. Dear whycollect,
    To compile a cataloge on error coins is not an easy job,and the error coins collectors are still very much on an infancy stage.I had consulted some Sifus and Mr.Saran Sign as well,he told me judging from his previous experience,the numbers of his books being sold,it is still not in economic scale to do so unless there are sponsorships to support.

    What I intend to do is to list the value of an error coin on my Blog by Recommended Selling Price (RSP) base on market value best possible l can aquire without prejudice.

  3. Hi Dickson,
    First of all, our sincere thanks to you for all you have done so far.
    Honestly, you have done a lot for the error coins collecting segment already.
    But of course it is every error coins collector's dream to see such a catalogue available in future.
    Yes, in the meantime, hope you can continue to quote the RSPs as references for us.
    Just to let you know, we are very thankful to you, Dickson :)

  4. Very cool. this is the kind of error that can be used to introduce non-collectors. We believe the introduction of a specialised catalogue for Malaysian error coins and varieties.

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  5. Hi Mr. Dickson,
    saya ada sekeping syiling 5 sen bunga raya dan 10 sen parlimen Wrong Planchet Stock Errors vf ..mohon penilaian RSP daripada Mr.Dickson...tq
