
Wednesday, August 10, 2011


   (Late President Of Malaysia Numismatic Society)


The first time I met Mr. Sim Ewe Eong was in a coin auction in the "Green Room" at Hotel Majestic, Kuala Lumpur. He was with Mr. Tony O’ Brian, Mr. Ottovenger and Mr. Tony Lye and they were conducting the auction. I was told to come on Sundays if I wish to meet people who are interested in coins. Mr. Sim seldom missed the Sunday mornings at Hotel Majestic where there were always a group of people who brought and sold coins and discussed them. (He told me the Sunday mornings with us were some of his happiest times).
What is it that drives a man who was a judge and the Registrar of the High Court to be interested in coin and eventually form the Malaysia Numismatic Society. He was the President of the Society since its inception in 1968 until 2001 when he stepped down due to ill heath. He was also the first Malaysian to be a member of the FRNS (Fellowship of the Royal Numismatic Society). I can only say that he had this great passion for collecting coins and looking and studying them. When he was collecting coins of Portuguese Melaka and writing his articles on Portuguese coinage of the Malay Peninsular – The Bartardos of King Dom Manual I, he wanted to get the feel of things that are Portuguese. So, he invited Mr. Tony Au and myself and together with his wife, we drove to Melaka on Saint Pedro’s Feast Day and celebrated the fiesta with the Melaka Portuguese people.
Mr. and Mrs. Sim used to join us in our trips to Tasei coin shows in Hong Kong and Singapore. There, instead of hunting for coins like the rest of us were doing, he would rather spend his time talking to the people involved in the publication of coin magazines and catalogues. Later in the evening he would go through what we have purchased and buy from us. He said we are professionals and know how to buy good coins at the right prices.
Mr. Sim once confessed that he had no hand for business. One day while he was in Kuching, a guy offered him eight pieces of British North Borneo 1 cent 1907H in uncirculated condition. He only wanted RM10 each. Mr. Sim bought two pieces and showed them to me. When I asked him why he did not buy all the eight pieces, he looked at me and after a while he said that it did not occur that he should have done that.
In parting, Mr. Sim we will say our good-byes to you and also thank you for your contributions to the Numismatic world and also to your fatherly advice that you have often given to us.

Story By:
Mr.Tan Tai Seng.
.Bulletin:Volume 37.2005.

1 comment:

  1. He will always be remembered as one of the great numismatists in the country.
    Our greatest respect to him.
