
Thursday, July 26, 2012


Malaysia Bunga Raya Series 2000 50 Cents Coin With Die Adjustment Strike  Errors


Die Trial Strike Error 2000 50 Cents

Die Adjustment Strikes / Die Trials with extremely weak strikes 

Die adjustment strikes are also known as die trials. This error occurs when there is insufficient pressure from the dies to leave a full impression on the planchet.This can occur for a variety of reasons.

Die Trial Strike Error 2000 50 Cents
Die Trial Strike Error 2000 50 Cents

When the press is being set up and adjusted, extremely weak strikes occur as the strike pressure reaches its optimum level. But usually occurs when the power to the presses is turned off, some last few pieces of coins minted, there may have received a very weak strike from the coining press, the dies continue to strike coins with less and less pressure until coming to a stop. On such coins all the detail, including the reeding on clad coins should exhibit extreme weakness.These die trials are destroyed after being struck and are rarely found in circulation.


  1. Hi Mr Dickson,
    Penjelasan yg lengkap tentang die trials,kalau dipamirkan juga foto bahagian sisi(edge) syiling ini tentu akan lebih menarik lagi untuk dijadikan rujukan...

    Terima kasih Mr Dickson..Ada berita dari sdr whycollect?

  2. Hi depankanta blogspot,
    Bahagian sisi(edge) syiling ini adalah sama dengan syiling 50 sen yang lain,kerana semua 50 sen Malaysia lettered edge nya ditempa dulu sebelum muka depan-belakang (Obverse-Reverse) nya ditempa.

  3. Hi Dickson,
    What about the weight of this die trial specimen coin? It should be the same with the normal coin isn't?

  4. Hi mnfaj,
    Yes, the weight of this die trial specimen coin should be the same with the normal coin, otherwise it is a PMD coin.
