
Friday, July 13, 2012


How To Detect A Counterfeit Malaya & British Borneo 50 Cents Milled Edge Coin.

50 Cents Milled Edge Coin.

Two days ago my customer returned to me a piece of very rare Malaya & British Borneo (MBB)1954 50 Cents Milled Edge coin which I sold it to him a month ago, he claimed that it was a counterfeit coin, a Post Mint Job (PMJ) coin.

50 Cents Milled Edge Coin.50 Cents Milled Edge Coin.

He brought along a piece of MBB 1961 50 Cents Milled Edge coin and an other piece of PMJ-MBB 1961 50 Cents Milled Edge coin for me to do the comparison.I was surprised by his claimed and stunned to see the near perfection counterfeit  PMJ-MBB 1961 50 Cents Milled Edge coin.

50 Cents Milled Edge Coin.

I took a thorough, complete and detail studied on all the milled edge coins. On the next morning, I visited two Pakar Numismatic Malaysia, Master Tan Tai Seng and Sifu Tony Au to seek for their second opinions.

50 Cents Milled Edge Coin.

Here are the differences:

1) The weight.
MBB 1954 50 Cents Milled Edge coin : 9.28gm.
PMJ-MBB1961 50 Cents Milled Edge coin : 9.58gm.
The MBB 1954 50 Cents Milled Edge coin is having a difference of 0.06 gm lighter in weight compared to the normal weight of 9.34gm, and the PMJ-MBB1961 50 Cents Milled Edge coin is 0.24 gm heavier,way above the permitted weight of 0.10gm in different by the numismatic standard.
This was due to the extra weight gained when the unscrupulous counterfeiters filled up the groove, the security hollow line around the edge of the coin.

50 Cents Milled Edge Coin.

2)The high of the milled lines.
The MBB 1954 50 Cents Milled Edge coin shows a higher tip and  fine milled lines.The PMJ-MBB1961 50 Cents Milled Edge coin exhibits a low broader,rough milled lines. The low, flatter and broader milled lines was the result of filing done by the unscrupulous counterfeiters to reduce the weigh.

50 Cents Milled Edge Coin.
50 Cents Milled Edge Coin.
                                                                 CROSS SECTION

3)The width of the milled edge.
The MBB 1954 50 Cents Milled Edge coin produced a sharp,more uniformed pattern of milled lines in length but on the PMJ-MBB1961 50 Cents Milled Edge coin you will see a rough, irregular pattern of milled lines in length, the rough features were due to the low pressure strike applied on the edge by the counterfeiters.

50 Cents Milled Edge Coin.
50 Cents Milled Edge Coin.
                                                                 CROSS SECTION

This piece of MBB 1954 50 Cents Milled Edge coin was in custody of a very senior numismatist for more then 30 years.His sibling released it when he past away couple of months ago. I always practiced the habit of checking  the root source of a rare coin so that you will be more comfortable when you  buy it. I believed that 3 decades ago, the technology will not be so sophisticated to produce a near perfect counterfeit coin.

50 Cents Milled Edge Coin.

From this research, I also found that the MBB 50 Cents Milled Edge coins have die varieties. The MBB 1961 50 Cents Milled Edge coin had a squared rim-edge and the MBB 1954 50 Cents Milled Edge coin had a beveled rim-edge, similar to the Malaysia Parliament Series 1971 10 Cents variety I and variety II.


  1. how do u know he exchange it with a fake coin? Did U weight the coin b4 u sell 2 him.

  2. Hi Anonymous,
    Trust ! I believed in trust and always trust my "instinct" and the "factor elimination" to deal with my customers.

    When your sold coin "baby" comes back home, you just know they are home !

  3. Takut nak beli syiling sembarangan. Hanya mereka yang pakar saje yang kenal. tak sabar rasanya nak buat blog sendiri dan paparkan syiling-syiling koleksi saya (syiling fee. poket dan tukaran)yg pelik-pelik juga errornya.. . untung-untung ada pakar-pakar yang sudi memberi ulasan nanti. Kalau rumah Mr. Dickson atau depan kanta kat sebelah rumah saya, hari-harilah jawabnya saya melepak kat sana......


  4. Hi NSDK.
    Nasib baik kita bukan jiran. Haha!
    Saya lebih suka kamu juga jadi seorang pakar pada masa depan, anda hanya perlu lebih rajin membaca,kaji,soal siasat... Saya pasti kamu juga boleh jadi pakar dalam bidang numismatik.
    Anda boleh call saya atau kunjung saya di Dickson Niew Collection Corner di Subang Jaya bila -bila masa jika perlu pertolongan saya.
    Happy Niewmismatic.

  5. Hi Mr.Dickson.
    Saya memang berhasrat untuk berjumpa dengan Mr. Dickson.. tapi masa tidak mengizinkan. Hampir setahun lebih saya telah melayari blog Mr. Dickson, depan kanta, mnfj..sampai syiling error saya tak ada tempat nak simpan. Mulanya saya segan nak post komen..bukan ape. takut-takut org tak de masa nak jawab sebab sibuk belek syiling je!... Tapi rupanya tidak... terima kasih kerana beri semangat pada saya. Setidak-tidaknya sekarang saya dah kenal berbagai jenis error syiling. Tetapi ada juga yang masih tak percaya syiling nie ada nilai sehingga saya jual dulu. Buat masa nie saya belum pernah jual walau sekeping pun.


  6. Hi NSDK.
    Saya pun tak jual error coins saya! Sayang nak jual sebab setiap keping duit error mempunyai keunikannya sendiri.
    Susah nak di pisah!

  7. Hi Mr Dickson,
    How can I missed this article. This is a very important article to be read by any collector who want to be serious in the numismatic journey. A very good job!! And thanks for the deep, thorough research done by you.

    To NSDK,
    Happy collecting!

  8. Hi Mr Dickson,
    Macan mana dgn Auction tempohari seronokkan! Dulu saya pernah beritahu saya terguna syiling palsu lekat pada mangnet sebab masa tu saya sangkakan semua syiling palsu lekat pada magnet. Hampir setahun saya berharap akan jumpa kembali syiling begitu... dan minggu lepas tak di sangka-sangka saya dapat sekeping semasa membelek syiling. Wahh...seronoknya saya..
    Sekarang nie saya dah ada blog. Jemputlah ke blog saya....ewah, ewah paksa-paksa orang pulak.. Sebenarnya saya begitu mengharapkan komen dan tunjuk ajar dari pakar-pakar.

  9. Hi,
    Taniah sudah ada Blog dan dapat lagi apa yang diidamkan!
    Semoga Blog kamu semakin maju dan selamat Happy Niewmismatic!

  10. Terima kasih banyak Mr. Dickson.
