
Friday, November 23, 2012

MNS AUCTION NO.154 (23-12-12) PART 2

Malaysia Numismatic Society Auction No.154  
23rd December 2012. Museum Negara.
Special Preview Part 2.

Lot    Qty                            Description                                     Grade      Reserve Price

21.    37    MBB-Queen E. II.   Complete Coin set                          VF to EF       180
                1c-1956, 1957, 1958, 1961, 1962,                 
                5c-1953, 1957, 1957H, 1957KN, 1958, 1958H, 1961,
                     1961H,1961KN,                                               Realized    RM400
               10c-1953, 1956, 1957H, 1957KN, 1958, 1960,1961,
                     1961H, 1961KN,
               20c- 1954, 1956,1957H, 1957KN,1961, 1961H,
               50c-1954, 1955H, 1956, 1957H, 1957KN,1958H, 1961,1961H.

22.   26      King George V1. 1/2c, 1c, 5c, 10c, 20c,1939 to 1950     VF to EF       130
                Complete Coin Set.                                                Realized    RM 440

23.    2       Queen Elizabeth II. 50 Cents 1961H.                              UNC-BU        90
                                                                                    Realized    RM 550


24.    9       King George V 5c 1919,(1920 CN) 1926, 1935,                F to EF       45
                10c-1917,1918, 1919, 1926, 1927.                       Realized    RM 45

25.    1       King George V. 1/2 Cents,1932.                                          UNC       60
                                                                                     Realized    RM 160

26.    2      King George V. 50 Cents 1920, 1921.                              EF - AU       20
                                                                                       Realized    RM 60

27.    5      King George V 20c-1919, 1926, 1927,                            VF - GVF     40
                1935 (Flat-Top 3, 1935 Round-Top 3).               Realized    RM 70

28.   2      Malaysia 1c, 1973 Copper & Copper Clad-steel.                  UNC          12
                                                                                          Realized    RM 60

29.   1      Malaysia 1c  1970 Copper  Coin                                          UNC        80
                                                                             Realized    RM 240

30.   3      Malaysia 1c 1967, 1971 & 1976.                                         UNC        50
                                                                                    Realized    RM 75

31.  14     Malaysia $1 Commemorative  Coin Set  C-N                       UNC         250
                                                                                       Realized    RM 250

32.   3      Malaysia 50c C-N Coins 1971-(1),1973- (2)                         UNC        25
                                                                                    Realized    RM 85

33.   5      King George V 1c-1919, 1920, 1920 (Broken 0)             VF to EF        60
                1926 & 1926/0 (Overdate) .

34.  20     Sarawak 1c 1863 - 1897H Complete Dates Set.              F to GEF      680
                                                                                Realized    RM 750

35.   4      Sarawak 1c 1927H, 1929H, 1930H, 1937H                     VF to EF       80
                                                                                  Realized    RM 80

36.   1      Sarawak 1c (Copper-Nickel) 1920H.                                    UNC      60
                                                                                  Realized    RM 140

37.  12     British North Borneo 1c Copper 1882H to 1907H        GVF to EF       500
                Complete Dates Set.                                     Realized    RM 550

38.   8      British North Borneo 1c C/N 1903H to 1941H.                F to AU      200
                                                                                   Realized    RM 300

39.   2      British North Borneo 2/1/2c C/N 1903, 1920H.               AU/VF        80
                                                                                  Realized    RM 220

40.   1      British North Borneo 25c 1929H.                                       AU       120
                                                                              Realized    RM 300

41.   5      British North Borneo 1/2c-1891H, 1c-1889H,1935H CN,    
               2 1/2c-1903H,5c 1941H.                                             EF to AU   100
                                                                               Realized    RM 300

42.   3      Medallions-President Nixon's Visit to China-Peking            EF       100
               1972 2 (CN) & 1 Copper.                               Realized    RM 100

To be continued............. 


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