
Monday, July 18, 2011


Malaysia Coin Parliament And Bunga Raya Series In UNC.

Recently,a very good friend of mine from Ipoh; Mr.Jeffery,gave me few thousand pieces of Malaysia Parliament and Bunga Raya  series of coins in all denomination for me to check through before deposit to the bank.

I started the coin treasure hunting from 50 Cents,one by one, flipped from obverse to reverse without fail.
To be exact,I checked and scrutinised 3,516 pieces of Malaysia Parliament and Bunga Raya  series of 50 Cents coin.

These were what I found, 78 pieces (2.22%) of normal dates in UNC condition,52 pieces (1.5%)  counterfeits,15  pieces (0.43%) with minor mint errors,only 1 piece (0.03%)of 1969 and 3 pieces (0.08%) of 1995  key dates 50 Cents in Very Fine (VF) condition.

The result showed us that coins in current circulation in Malaysia, the Parliaments Series (1967-1988) in UNC condition are getting scarce,the Bunga Raya Series in early dates (1989-1999) in UNC condition are also not easy to obtain,keydates in UNC condition are almost impossible!


  1. The reasonably high usage of the 50 sen probably attributed to the low %age of UNCs otherwise can be slightly higher in those 5 sens.
    Less than 5 % in UNC among circulating coins is a reasonably estimation.
    Good effort for this sampling on your part.

  2. Hi Dickson,
    Yes, haven't seen a 69 50sen or even 67 or 68 among the loose change for a long time.
    And spotting a 95 is extremely lucky.
    Great to hear about your finds, Dickson :)

  3. Dear nucoins,
    I totally agreed with you that less than 5 % in UNC among circulating coins is a reasonably estimation.

    But to get a complete set of Malaysia Parliament series coins in UNC to BU from among circulating coins is almost impossible,unless you are willing to pay high price to collect them.

    Our existing coin dealers,almost everyone are not keeping any stocks on this series!

  4. Dear whycollect,
    Yes,found them,but no excitement because of the condition!

    No Die Rotated Errors as well!

  5. Hi guys, not sure where to ask this. But i manage to collect some coins via tolls. Those parliament coins.

    So today i decided to wash them.All because i found this Citric Acid (detergent type?) in one of the japanese shops which claims its good for cleaning metals.

    Says there hot water and some Citric Acid, leave it a while before draining.

    So i did what it says to the whole lot of my 1sen 5,10,20,50 sens. Saw the difference in few minutes, but then decided to let it soak longer.

    After a while, i started seeing light copper color on top of my some other non 1sen coins. Worried, i took some out and tried to clean it, but not working. Worried i took them all out and started cleansing it with water. The copper marks wouldn't go away.

    The interesting part is,while watering them down, one of my 10 sen 1978 or 73 starts to corrode and giving hissing sounds. So i added more water. It stopped. I found out that this 10 sen happens to react very differently to this citric acid. Could it be fake?

    So i separated the others and ran the same test again to the 10 sen. Ill try to video it if same thing happens. Going to leave it for a night.

    Just thot id share. Its ok if you dont approve my comments as i got too excited and maybe i should start my own blog. Cheers.

  6. Sugar Coated Candyman,
    Coin cleaning-Only light cleaning is suggested.Warm water (Never use hot water),added with few drips of lemon juice.If the stains still refused to dissolve,change the water,repeat the same process.If it is a stubborn stains, just leave it, nothing much can be done.Any further cleaning will damage the coin.
    Copper coin-Only can be cleaned with warm water,nothing else.

  7. Hi Mr. Dickson,

    Why 20 cents hibiscus 2001 have bigger texts and hibiscus compare to other years.

  8. Anonymous,
    We called it the Die Varieties.
    Coins are minted with many dies,each dies may different or vary from another.Different Die craft master will produces different dies.

  9. Dear Dickson,

    So is it worth to collect such variety coin?
    Some got bigger and other got smaller text.
    But the bigger text looks more attractive for me.haha.
    Anyway, thanks for your answer.

  10. Hi Anonymous,
    Is fun to collect die varieties coins,it deserves high premium if its quantity is low.
