
Monday, July 18, 2011


Malaysia Parliament Series Counterfeit 50 Cents Varieties Coin. 

In my recent coins treasure hunt on a bucket of Malaysia 50 Cents coins,I went through about 3,000 pieces and found 52 pieces of counterfeit coins.

There were beautifully struck in UNC to BU in condition.If without good experience and assisted with a 10X magnifying glass,you may mistaken on most of the counterfeits for an original coins. The counterfeits  looked more high grade than a UNC original 50 cents coin.

Malaysia. 2005. 50 Cents.
Counterfeit Coin.Variety I.Obverse.
(Dickson Niew Collection)
Malaysia. 2005. 50 Cents.
Counterfeit Coin.Variety I.Obverse.
(Dickson Niew Collection)

Even more interesting was,there were variety in 2005.

Malaysia. 2005. 50 Cents.
Counterfeit Coin.Variety II.Obverse.
(Dickson Niew Collection)

Malaysia. 2005. 50 Cents.
Counterfeit Coin.Variety II.Obverse.
(Dickson Niew Collection)




  1. Wow, going through 3,000 pieces.
    Thats no mean task.
    Maybe you could catalogue all these counterfeits.
    That would be extremely useful to all collectors of Malaysian modern coinage.
    Haha, maybe its a little too much to ask from you alone, Dickson.
    Thanks a lot for sharing :)

  2. Hi Mr.Dickson,
    Ratio 57.7:1 untuk syiling tulin dan yg palsu adalah satu angka yang memeranjatkan.Depankanta bersetuju dan ada pengalaman yang hampir sama,walaupun tidak sebanyak yg Mr.Niew dapat.
    Wajar sekali Bank Negara menarik balik segera syiling 50sen ini dari edaran sebelum ia menyusahkan orang ramai...
    Terima kasih banyak-banyak Mr.Dickson,satu perkongsian yg berguna utk pengumpul dan negara..

  3. Are their weight the same with original coins Dickson? Recently I found a 50 sen coin that is come with the same weight as the original coins. The looks are almost the same as the original with the naked eyes.

  4. Dear whycollect,
    To be exact,was 3516 pieces!Until my mata also blur-blur!Next the 20 cents!!!!
    To catalogue them? The counterfeiters are going to produce more for me to collect!Are there doing me a favour?Or,I am doing them a favour?Haha!
    You are really too much!!Hahaha!!

  5. Dear depankanta,
    Agar sukar untuk BNM buat satu keputusan!Kerana ini bukan salah habis BNM,pihak yang bertanggung jawab harus lebih tegas!Sejak tahun 1998 sudah muncul syiling palsu ini,hingga sekarang,yang terkini ialah 2009,saya masih tertanya-tanya,dimana pihak yang berkuasa?
    Saya dapat dari cashier bank-bank (mereka tak dapat beza yang palsu dan yang ori).
    Saya dapat daripada cashier-cashier hypermarket!Mungkinkah ini "kerja" orang dalam untuk mengaut lebih untung tanpa pengetahuan pihak atasan?
    Kadang-kadang kami beritahu orang yang syiling 50 sennya adalah duit tipu,mereka pulak marah kita yang cuba tipu!Haha!

  6. Dear lunaticg,
    They are more sophisticated now,they can make more "perfect" counterfeit coins.
    Their weight various,sometime can be exact or very close to 9.33gm but most of them are around 7.80gm to 8.80gm.
    And you may be "lucky" to get a piece that is attracted to magnet!

  7. Hi Dickson,
    Its a win-win situation ma, haha.
    Blur, careful.
    Nanti u salah pakai all your precious error coins esp your 1976 1sen, hahaha.
    Phew, its a long time we didn't do like what you did because of work commitments.
    May the coming weeks bring you more '69 20sens.
    Good luck, Dickson :D

  8. still looking the other missing years...i got 3 (1998, 2004 and 2005). the 1998 was rejected by bank counting machine recently when i sent a bulk of malaysian coins. there is one identical sign...all three was proof-like but starts to peeling off...and some wording bank negara malaysia missing at the edge...

  9. Seri,
    Good luck to your collection! Wishing you have many returns in the numismatic! Happy Niewmismatic!
