
Thursday, May 23, 2013


Malaysia Parliament Series Forgery 1967 10 Cents Coin.


On 20th May 2013 in my post titled "FORGERY MALAYSIA 1967 20 CENTS COIN" when I said " I was stunned when a very senior Malaysia numismatist showed me two pieces of forgery Malaysia Parliament series 1967 20 cents coins", and I questioned: "Who will do such a low face value forgery coins? How much of profit can they make? Why they took so much of trouble and risk to produce forgery 20 cents coins and why not forge the forgery 50 cents coins?"

This morning, I received a Malaysia Parliament Series Forgery 1967 10 Cents coin made of lead.Its weight is 3.15gm (Normal:2.82gm) and with milled edge. Because it was made of lead, it is soft and bendable.Its overall details were blurred,broad and flatten.

Same question: Who will do a coin with such low face value in denomination?

Now, may be and I hope  I will find a forgery Malaysia Parliament Series 1967 5 Cents coin. Just crossed my finger.

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