Visit to East Malaysia,Sabah and Sarawak.(III)

Mr.Charlie Chau,owner of Kadomay Trading Company,trade and specialise in stamps, handycrafts, old watches, antiques, arts,
world coins and banknotes.

He is a veteran in this trade,and one of the very first numismatic shop in Wisma Merdeka in Kota Kinabaru ,Sabah.He is an old buddy friend of my brother when they met many many years ago.

If you want to know about the history of Kota Kinabaru, Sabah, politic, politicians,coins,banknotes,medallions,numismatic mysteries, antiques and art etc. must visit him!
We can talk for hours.
This was what he did to my brother.

I respected him for his rich knowledge.He also operates a tourism company.
Again,I asked for the Malaysia Parliament Coin series in UNC condition,same answer:NO!


  1. Hi Dickson,
    Wah, working or shopping spree?
    Like that, you will have to charter a container to bring back all your merchandise.
    Haha, just joking with you.
    Arg, your wonderful stories and pictures at KK bring back sweet memories where we used to hunt for collectibles whenever we were free during our younger days.
    Nowadays, we can go online but couldn't travel much due to work constraints.
    Its really nice of you to gather all these contacts for us.
    Definitely will be useful whenever we happen to be at these places.
    Thank you so much, Dickson.
    Continue your shopping spree, haha.
    Take good care, Dickson :)

  2. Dear Danny,
    Hi! Goodday!
    He told me he is "drying off" of goods,less supply.All he left are 'Good staff'to be kept for his next genaration!
    He said,tourism business will keep him going and later can pass down to his children too.
    What a caring father.Cheers!

  3. Dear whycollect,
    Nothing much you can buy,due to easy access to comunication and infomations,their pricing are "up-to-date"!haha!
    Plus,"everyone can fly now" & the "firefly", they travel more often then us to West Malaysia.
    They know very well KL collectors can offer better price!
    I only can use LCL!No need a container!Haha!

  4. Dear Whycollect,
    Some tea news:Tea Exhibition at Tropicana Mall'

  5. Hi Dickson,
    Thanks a lot for the tea site.
    We will add them into our blog.
    About supply of quality collectibles running dry.
    Yes, its a fact.
    Even the gold bullion coins once commonly sold by the banks are mostly out of stock at most banks, nowadays.
    Even some dealers have been complaining they couldn't replenish some of their rarer coins and banknotes sold.
    Wonder where all these items have gone to?
    Thanks a lot, Dickson :)

  6. Dear whycollect,
    My recent surveyed with most of the veteran collectors,we all agreed and believed that as high as 90% of the total mintage of 100,000 pcs of 1971 Tunku Gold $100.00 has gone into the smelting pot!
    Sooner,it will becomes another scarce gold coin.

  7. Hi Dickson,
    Heard the same is happening to the BTDs.
    Was told they have very similar metal composition to the expensive dragons.
    Cheers :)

  8. Hi whycollect,
    Stocks on BTDs are getting scarce!That is for sure,VF in condition are sold for RM250.00 to dealers.

  9. Hi Dickson,
    Haha, better get them before they morph into dragons :D
