Chap Goh Meh 14.February.2014
Chap Goh Meh represents the 15th and final day of the Lunar New Year period as celebrated by the Chinese communities on the 15th day of the first month in the Chinese lunar calendar. The term is from the Hokkien dialect and the day auspiciously coincides with the first full moon of the New Year. The occasion is marked by feasting and various festivities, including the consumption of tangyuan (glutinous rice ball). It is common to see colourful paper lanterns and competitions for solving traditional riddles in Buddhist temples. The air is festive and bright with lion dance, dragon dance, firecrackers and various other traditional performances.
In traditional Chinese culture,Chap Goh Meh also known as the Lantern Festival is also known as the Yuan Xiao Festival. In Malaysia, however, it coincides with the Chinese Valentine's Day. A day when young unmarried women after the family dinner,gather to toss mandarin oranges into a river, in the hope that their future spouse will pick up their orange or 'choose them'.Meanwhile the gentlemen will row a boat and try to catch the ‘suitable’ orange. – a custom that originated in Penang, Malaysia.
This year  the Chinese Valentine's Day is celebrated in conjunction  with the Western 14-February Valentine's Day. Dickson Niew Collection and family is taking this opportunity to wish you and your beloved family a very Happy Valentine's Day. Always Happy Niewmismatics!!

Special wish to Miss Liz Lee Bian Tzi.


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