Trip To Collectibles Auction Asia 4 / 2014 Of Singapore 4-10-2014.(Part 1).
I arrived in Singapore on 2nd of October 2014 to attend the Collectibles Auction Asia. After brunch, Mr. Wong Hon Sum brought me to visit Happy Philatelic Agency at Golden Mile Tower, Beach Road. We had a good  chat with the boss Mr.Steven.

Then we proceed to visit Monetarium Singapore at No.1, Coleman Street, #02-34, The Adelphi, Singapore 179803, Mr Anthony Tan was away to Johor cari-cari makan, we were welcome by his partner Mr Leon Lee and a buddy Singapore senior numismatist Mr. Jeffery Wei.

At 4.00pm we were back to Mr. Wong Hon Sum's home to prepare and arrange auction items for the 3 October 2014 (Friday) public viewing. At 6.00pm we went to Landmark Village Hotel to inspect their preparation of the auction hall at level 6.

On Friday (3-10-2014), all Collectibles Auction Asia (CAA) auction committee members were arrived  at the auction hall at 8.30am. We were ready for the public viewing which was scheduled from 9.00am to 6.00pm.

The public start to show up for registration and viewed their interested bidding items. It was a working day, the visitors were coming in a steady flow. They were more public viewers in the afternoon. I got a surprised visit by Mr.Anthony Tan, the boss of Monetarium Singapore. We had a good sharing on Malay States Sultanate coinage.

The public viewing was over at 6.30pm. We were expecting a good turn out on the auction day!

To be continued.......


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