MNS AUCTION NO.165 K.L.(LOT:151 TO LOT 200/300) 27-9-2015
Malaysia Numismatic Society Auction No.165 27th.September.2015 K.L.
Special Preview.Lot:151-200/300
I will be posting a series of auction items that were listed in our MNS Auction No.165. The 165th Auction by the Society will be held on SUNDAY, 27th.September. 2015 commencing at 9.30 a.m. Please note that this Auction will be held at:
Muzium Negara, Jalan Petalawati,50480,Kuala Lumpur.

I am not a professional photographer, those images posted are taken by using my normal camera to my lever best. These posts are done with my own initiative. Your good comments are most welcome to better my Blog. Happy Niewmismatic !
Lot Qty Description Grade Reserve Price (RM)
151 1 Federated Malay States Government 3% Interest Coupon
no. 55 for $15 dated 15 Dec 1951 UNC 100
152 1 Federated Malay States Government 3% Interest Coupon
no. 55 for $150 dated 15 Dec 1963 UNC 150
Realised: RM340.
153 11 Japanese Invasion Money (JIM) Malaya 1 Cent, 5 Cents, 10 Cents, 50 Cents,
$1, $5, $10, $100 (straight & slanting M), $100 (Rubber Tappers) & $1000
UNC 300
154 5 Malaya 1941 1 Cent (GVF), 5 Cents (variety 'b' - EF), 10 Cents (variety 'b' -
GEF) & 50 Cents (variety 'b' - EF) GVF - GEF 450
155 1 Malaya $10 H/20 065698 1941 VF 250
Realised: RM280.
156 1 Malaya & British Borneo $10 A/50 512649 1953 (washed)
AEF 350
157 2 Malaya & British Borneo $1 A/79 014884/85 1959
Thomas De La Rue PMG 66EPQ 2,200
158 3 Brunei $1 A/2 118575, $5 A/2 845272 & $10 A/2 558360 1967
(all with same prefix no.) GVF - AEF 250
159 10 Malaysia 9th & 10th Series RM2 DH5295791/95 & DP4951891/95
Ali Abul Hassan's (side) & (centre) signatues
(last 2 digits same & matching) UNC 220
160 5 Malaysia 9th Series Replacements RM2 ZD0026971/75
Ali Abul Hassan's (side) signatures UNC 500
Realised: RM500.
161 3 Malaysia 6th Series RM5 NM8659963/65
Jaffar Hussein's signatures AU 70
162 3 Malaysia 6th Series RM10 UM2416075/77
Jaffar Husein's signatures, Thomas De La Rue UNC 80
Realised: RM130.
163 2 Malaysia 6th Series RM10 VQ3031144/45
Jaffar Husein's signatures, B A Banknote UNC 150
Realised: RM150.
164 3 Malaysia 7th Series RM10 YG1291855/57 Ahmad Don's signatures,
Francois Charles Oberthur UNC 80
Realised: RM120.
165 2 Malaysia 5th Series RM20 TA0262655 (EF - 1st prefix) & TE2751137
(GEF - last prefix) Aziz Taha's signatures EF - GEF 250
166 1 Malaysia 6th Series Replacement RM20 UZ0031410
Jaffar Hussein's signature PMG 64 1,500
167 2 Malaysia 5th Series RM50 VL9781911/12
Aziz Taha's signatures UNC 380
168 2 Malaysia 6th Series RM50 WD6554891/92 Jaffar Hussein's signatures,
Thomas De La Rue UNC 320
169 2 Malaysia 6th Series RM100 ZL4342374/75 Jaffar Hussein's signatures,
Thomas De La Rue UNC 550
170 2 Malaysia 9th Series RM100 AG2302964/65
Ali Abul Hassan's (side) signature UNC 300
171 2 Malaysia 8th Series Errors RM2 CQ3232743 & RM10 AN8348599
(red vertical serial nos. shifted very close to coloured bar and Jawi writing)
Ahamd Don's signatures UNC 180
Realised: RM300.
172 1 Malaysia 6th Series Error RM100 ZX 4498348 (minor shift of print to left
on reverse and creating a white margin on extreme right border)
Jaffar Hussein's signature, United States Banknote AU 450
Realised: RM700.
173 1 Malaysia 10th Series RM5 3 piece uncut Ali Abul Hassan's (centre)
signature (without folder) UNC 150
174 1 Malaysia 3rd Series RM50 A/86 580755
Ismail Ali's signature PMG 55AU 750
175 1 Malaysia 3rd Series RM100 A/20 529261
Ismail Ali's signature PMG 45EF 1,000
176 1 Pahang Tin Pitis Obv. Muzaffar Shah (1530 -1540) Rev. Al Sultan Al Adil
(Recently discovered, previously unknown Unlisted) GF 250
177 1 Pahang Tin Jokoh Obv. & Rev. Blank, Square Centre Hole (found together
with other Pahang Jokohs Diameter: 30mm (Unlisted) GVF 250
178 1 Kelantan Sultanate Tin Pitis Obv. Khalifatul Muminin within a plain circle
Rev. Similar to the Obverse (SS.6) EF 250
Realised: RM250.
179 1 Kelantan Sultanate Tin Pitis Obv. Khalifatul Muminin within a plain circle
Rev. Two plain lines circles (SS.8) AVF 150
180 1 Kelantan Sultanate Tin Pitis Obv. Belanjaan Kerajaan Kelantan
Rev. Duriba Fi Dhul Hijja Sanat 1321 A.H. (1904) (SS.24)
UNC 150
181 1 Patani-Kelantan Tin Pitis Obv. A Six-petalled flower
Rev. Blank (SS.65A) GVF 250
Realised: RM460.
182 1 Kedah Sultanate Tin Tera Obv. An Eight-rayed star
Rev. Naqod Kedah (Unlisted) VF 200
183 1 Kedah Sultanate Tin Tera Obv. An Eight-petaled flower
Rev. Balad Kedah Darul Aman (Unlisted) VF 200
184 1 Kedah Sultanate Tin Tera Obv. Belanja Negeri Kedah
Rev. Darul Aman Sanat 1180 A.H. (1768) (SS.13A) AVF 100
185 1 Kedah Sultanate Tin Tera Obv. Tahun Alif 1224 A.H. (1809)
Rev. Balad Kedah Darul Aman (SS.14) VF 250
186 1 Terengganu Tin Keping Obv. Duriba Fi Trekanu 1310 A.H. (1892/93)
Rev. Sepuloh Keping 10, Wreath of leaves (SS.15) VF 150
187 1 Terengganu Tin Jokoh Obv. & Rev. Thick Plain Line Circle at Centre
and Thin Line Circle at Rim (SS.58) VF 100
188 1 Johore Tin Katun Obv. Haza Al Masruf
Rev. Dar Al Johora (SS.30) AVF 35
189 1 Johore Tin Katun Obv. Malik Al Adil (written around Pusat)
Rev. Blank (SS.31) VF 50
190 1 Johore Tin Katun Obv. A Central Dot
Rev. Blank (SS.32) VF 30
191 1 Johore Tin Katun Obv. & Rev. Malik Al Adil (SS.37) GF 35
192 1 Johor Private Jokoh/Pitis Obv. Four Fish
Rev. Blank (Copper-Unlisted) GVF 200
193 1 Johor Private Jokoh/Pitis Obv. Tai Ping Yuan Bao
Rev. Blank (Unlisted) AVF 100
194 1 Johor Private Tin Jokoh Obv. & Rev. Blank
Round Centre Hole Diameter: 25mm (Unlisted) GVF 100
195 1 Samudra-Pasai Gold Dinar Sultan Abdallah I (1379-1400)
Obv. Abdallah Malik Al Tahir
Rev. Al Sultan Al Adil (SP 9b Leyten) GEF 200
Realised: RM300.
196 1 Samudra-Pasai Gold Dinar Sultan Abu'l-Din (1405-1412)
Obv. Abu'l-Din Malik Al Tahir
Rev. Al Sultan Al Adil (SP 13a Leyten) GEF 200
Realised: RM320.
197 1 Banka Tin Jokoh Obv. In Jawi "Thu Piang Kompani"
Rev. In Chinese "Dan Pi Gong Si" (Unlisted) VF 150
198 1 Banka Tin Jokoh Obv. In Jawi "Haza Quruah Pangkal Pinang"
(This is Cash of Pangkal Pinang) Rev. In Chinese "Bing Lang
Gong Si" (Bing Lang Company) (Unlisted) VF 150
199 1 Malaysia Planchet (blank) 10 Cents AEF 30
Realised: RM80.
200 4 Malacca Sultanate Tin Pitis Pitis of Sultan Muzaffar Shah (SS.1),
Sultan Mansur Shah (SS.3), Sultan Mahmud Shah (SS.6) &
Sultan Ahmad Shah (SS.9) Average AVF 500
To Be Continued..............
Special Preview.Lot:151-200/300
I will be posting a series of auction items that were listed in our MNS Auction No.165. The 165th Auction by the Society will be held on SUNDAY, 27th.September. 2015 commencing at 9.30 a.m. Please note that this Auction will be held at:
Muzium Negara, Jalan Petalawati,50480,Kuala Lumpur.
I am not a professional photographer, those images posted are taken by using my normal camera to my lever best. These posts are done with my own initiative. Your good comments are most welcome to better my Blog. Happy Niewmismatic !
Lot Qty Description Grade Reserve Price (RM)
no. 55 for $15 dated 15 Dec 1951 UNC 100
152 1 Federated Malay States Government 3% Interest Coupon
no. 55 for $150 dated 15 Dec 1963 UNC 150
Realised: RM340.
153 11 Japanese Invasion Money (JIM) Malaya 1 Cent, 5 Cents, 10 Cents, 50 Cents,
$1, $5, $10, $100 (straight & slanting M), $100 (Rubber Tappers) & $1000
UNC 300
154 5 Malaya 1941 1 Cent (GVF), 5 Cents (variety 'b' - EF), 10 Cents (variety 'b' -
GEF) & 50 Cents (variety 'b' - EF) GVF - GEF 450
155 1 Malaya $10 H/20 065698 1941 VF 250
Realised: RM280.
156 1 Malaya & British Borneo $10 A/50 512649 1953 (washed)
AEF 350
157 2 Malaya & British Borneo $1 A/79 014884/85 1959
Thomas De La Rue PMG 66EPQ 2,200
158 3 Brunei $1 A/2 118575, $5 A/2 845272 & $10 A/2 558360 1967
(all with same prefix no.) GVF - AEF 250
159 10 Malaysia 9th & 10th Series RM2 DH5295791/95 & DP4951891/95
Ali Abul Hassan's (side) & (centre) signatues
(last 2 digits same & matching) UNC 220
160 5 Malaysia 9th Series Replacements RM2 ZD0026971/75
Ali Abul Hassan's (side) signatures UNC 500
Realised: RM500.
161 3 Malaysia 6th Series RM5 NM8659963/65
Jaffar Hussein's signatures AU 70
162 3 Malaysia 6th Series RM10 UM2416075/77
Jaffar Husein's signatures, Thomas De La Rue UNC 80
Realised: RM130.
163 2 Malaysia 6th Series RM10 VQ3031144/45
Jaffar Husein's signatures, B A Banknote UNC 150
Realised: RM150.
164 3 Malaysia 7th Series RM10 YG1291855/57 Ahmad Don's signatures,
Francois Charles Oberthur UNC 80
Realised: RM120.
165 2 Malaysia 5th Series RM20 TA0262655 (EF - 1st prefix) & TE2751137
(GEF - last prefix) Aziz Taha's signatures EF - GEF 250
166 1 Malaysia 6th Series Replacement RM20 UZ0031410
Jaffar Hussein's signature PMG 64 1,500
167 2 Malaysia 5th Series RM50 VL9781911/12
Aziz Taha's signatures UNC 380
168 2 Malaysia 6th Series RM50 WD6554891/92 Jaffar Hussein's signatures,
Thomas De La Rue UNC 320
169 2 Malaysia 6th Series RM100 ZL4342374/75 Jaffar Hussein's signatures,
Thomas De La Rue UNC 550
170 2 Malaysia 9th Series RM100 AG2302964/65
Ali Abul Hassan's (side) signature UNC 300
171 2 Malaysia 8th Series Errors RM2 CQ3232743 & RM10 AN8348599
(red vertical serial nos. shifted very close to coloured bar and Jawi writing)
Ahamd Don's signatures UNC 180
Realised: RM300.
172 1 Malaysia 6th Series Error RM100 ZX 4498348 (minor shift of print to left
on reverse and creating a white margin on extreme right border)
Jaffar Hussein's signature, United States Banknote AU 450
Realised: RM700.
173 1 Malaysia 10th Series RM5 3 piece uncut Ali Abul Hassan's (centre)
signature (without folder) UNC 150
174 1 Malaysia 3rd Series RM50 A/86 580755
Ismail Ali's signature PMG 55AU 750
175 1 Malaysia 3rd Series RM100 A/20 529261
Ismail Ali's signature PMG 45EF 1,000
176 1 Pahang Tin Pitis Obv. Muzaffar Shah (1530 -1540) Rev. Al Sultan Al Adil
(Recently discovered, previously unknown Unlisted) GF 250
177 1 Pahang Tin Jokoh Obv. & Rev. Blank, Square Centre Hole (found together
with other Pahang Jokohs Diameter: 30mm (Unlisted) GVF 250
178 1 Kelantan Sultanate Tin Pitis Obv. Khalifatul Muminin within a plain circle
Rev. Similar to the Obverse (SS.6) EF 250
Realised: RM250.
179 1 Kelantan Sultanate Tin Pitis Obv. Khalifatul Muminin within a plain circle
Rev. Two plain lines circles (SS.8) AVF 150
180 1 Kelantan Sultanate Tin Pitis Obv. Belanjaan Kerajaan Kelantan
Rev. Duriba Fi Dhul Hijja Sanat 1321 A.H. (1904) (SS.24)
UNC 150
181 1 Patani-Kelantan Tin Pitis Obv. A Six-petalled flower
Rev. Blank (SS.65A) GVF 250
Realised: RM460.
182 1 Kedah Sultanate Tin Tera Obv. An Eight-rayed star
Rev. Naqod Kedah (Unlisted) VF 200
183 1 Kedah Sultanate Tin Tera Obv. An Eight-petaled flower
Rev. Balad Kedah Darul Aman (Unlisted) VF 200
184 1 Kedah Sultanate Tin Tera Obv. Belanja Negeri Kedah
Rev. Darul Aman Sanat 1180 A.H. (1768) (SS.13A) AVF 100
185 1 Kedah Sultanate Tin Tera Obv. Tahun Alif 1224 A.H. (1809)
Rev. Balad Kedah Darul Aman (SS.14) VF 250
186 1 Terengganu Tin Keping Obv. Duriba Fi Trekanu 1310 A.H. (1892/93)
Rev. Sepuloh Keping 10, Wreath of leaves (SS.15) VF 150
187 1 Terengganu Tin Jokoh Obv. & Rev. Thick Plain Line Circle at Centre
and Thin Line Circle at Rim (SS.58) VF 100
188 1 Johore Tin Katun Obv. Haza Al Masruf
Rev. Dar Al Johora (SS.30) AVF 35
189 1 Johore Tin Katun Obv. Malik Al Adil (written around Pusat)
Rev. Blank (SS.31) VF 50
190 1 Johore Tin Katun Obv. A Central Dot
Rev. Blank (SS.32) VF 30
191 1 Johore Tin Katun Obv. & Rev. Malik Al Adil (SS.37) GF 35
192 1 Johor Private Jokoh/Pitis Obv. Four Fish
Rev. Blank (Copper-Unlisted) GVF 200
193 1 Johor Private Jokoh/Pitis Obv. Tai Ping Yuan Bao
Rev. Blank (Unlisted) AVF 100
194 1 Johor Private Tin Jokoh Obv. & Rev. Blank
Round Centre Hole Diameter: 25mm (Unlisted) GVF 100
195 1 Samudra-Pasai Gold Dinar Sultan Abdallah I (1379-1400)
Obv. Abdallah Malik Al Tahir
Rev. Al Sultan Al Adil (SP 9b Leyten) GEF 200
Realised: RM300.
196 1 Samudra-Pasai Gold Dinar Sultan Abu'l-Din (1405-1412)
Obv. Abu'l-Din Malik Al Tahir
Rev. Al Sultan Al Adil (SP 13a Leyten) GEF 200
Realised: RM320.
197 1 Banka Tin Jokoh Obv. In Jawi "Thu Piang Kompani"
Rev. In Chinese "Dan Pi Gong Si" (Unlisted) VF 150
198 1 Banka Tin Jokoh Obv. In Jawi "Haza Quruah Pangkal Pinang"
(This is Cash of Pangkal Pinang) Rev. In Chinese "Bing Lang
Gong Si" (Bing Lang Company) (Unlisted) VF 150
199 1 Malaysia Planchet (blank) 10 Cents AEF 30
Realised: RM80.
200 4 Malacca Sultanate Tin Pitis Pitis of Sultan Muzaffar Shah (SS.1),
Sultan Mansur Shah (SS.3), Sultan Mahmud Shah (SS.6) &
Sultan Ahmad Shah (SS.9) Average AVF 500
To Be Continued..............
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