Malaysia Parliament House Series 1971 $1.00 Without Edge Lettering Strike Error.
First of all, a normal edge lettering appearance is for a business strike (circulation issue) Malaysia 50 Cents or RM1.00 coin. The edge lettering should be incused (sunken in,) and run all the way around the edge of the coin.
It doesn't matter whether the heads or tails side is facing up on business strike 50 Cents or RM1.00 coin because the edge lettering is applied randomly, so a coin with upside down edge lettering is NOT an edge lettering strike error! It is simply a normal variety.
This is a piece of  1971 Parliament House Series $1.00 Copper-Nickel coin that I found without the edge lettering.

Absent Edge Lettering Strike Error Definition:
This error occurs when a 1971 Parliament House Series $1.00 Copper-Nickel coin bypasses the edge lettering device or when the spacing between the lettering die and impeller wheel becomes too generous.
Note: Edge lettering and other edge design elements may be impressed during upsetting, during the strike, by a special machine before the strike, or by a lettering device after the strike. Similar-looking defects can occur in each of these processes. Any edge design that forms a closed interlock between the edge of the coin and the collar cannot be produced during the strike since that will prevent ejection of the coin after the strike.

The diagnostics for authentic of a Malaysia Parliament House Series $1.00 coin missing its edge lettering are as follows:
1. Diameter should be 33.90 mm. Coins altered outside the mint will have a diameter that is less than 33.90mm and will have a diameter of approximately 32.00mm.

2. The coin’s weight should be approximately 17.00gm ± .03 g. Altered coins will weigh less from the removal of the edge lettering. Weights of approximately 15.00-16.00gm are commonly seen on altered coins.
3. An unaltered Malaysia Parliament House Series $1.00 coin with Absent Edge Lettering Strike Error will have no lines along the edge. Altered coins will normally have horizontal lines. These horizontal lines are from milling or similar machines used outside the mint to remove the letters and are the after effects of the metal being abraded off the coin.

Happy Niewmismatics !!


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