NTV 7 "Good Morning Tai Tai" Program Shooting On Numismatic At Dickson Niew Collection Shop, Subang Jaya.(7-10-2015)
On September 29th 2015, after a telecommunication on the phone, I received an email from Miss Tan Shi Ai, an Assistant Producer of a very famous NTV 7's program, The " GOOD MORNING TAI TAI " of NTV 7, inviting me to talk about money collection, how to be a numismatist.
The Email details:
"NTV7 Good Morning Tai Tai (Video Shooting about Money Collection)"

From:Shi Ai Tan
Hi Dickson,
The shooting details:
Date: 7 October 2015 (Wednesday)
Shooting Time: 11am - 2pm
Airtime duration: 2-3 minutes
Here are the question for Money Collection:
1. Introduce yourself
2. Since when you start collecting money as hobby?
3. What type of money do you collect? How many by now?
4. Why do you do it??
5. Which are your favorite/precious set of money? Why?
6. What are the differences collecting coins and paper money?
7.What are the suitable age form this hobby?
8. What are the benefit do you get for this hobby?
9. What are you advise for the amateur who want to start to collecting money as hobby?
10. Ending.
Best Regards
Assistant Producer
Tan Shi Ai 陈时爱
Ntv7 Good Morning Tai Tai 活力早晨
Chinese Entertainment, Primeworks Studios, Media Prima Berhad
Sri Pentas, 3rd Floor, South Wing, Bandar Utama, 47800 Petaling Jaya,Selangor Darul Ehsan
On 7th October 2015, as scheduled, the Ntv 7 crews arrived at 11.00am.
The video shooting commenced when everything was set up and a briefing was done.
Close-up ......
Out door......
Special thanks to Miss Tan Shi Ai and Mr.Victor Lukas Labung, Assistants Producers of Ntv 7.
On September 29th 2015, after a telecommunication on the phone, I received an email from Miss Tan Shi Ai, an Assistant Producer of a very famous NTV 7's program, The " GOOD MORNING TAI TAI " of NTV 7, inviting me to talk about money collection, how to be a numismatist.
The Email details:
"NTV7 Good Morning Tai Tai (Video Shooting about Money Collection)"

From:Shi Ai Tan
Hi Dickson,
The shooting details:
Date: 7 October 2015 (Wednesday)
Shooting Time: 11am - 2pm
Airtime duration: 2-3 minutes
Here are the question for Money Collection:
1. Introduce yourself
2. Since when you start collecting money as hobby?
3. What type of money do you collect? How many by now?
4. Why do you do it??
5. Which are your favorite/precious set of money? Why?
6. What are the differences collecting coins and paper money?
7.What are the suitable age form this hobby?
8. What are the benefit do you get for this hobby?
9. What are you advise for the amateur who want to start to collecting money as hobby?
10. Ending.
Best Regards
Assistant Producer
Tan Shi Ai 陈时爱
Ntv7 Good Morning Tai Tai 活力早晨
Chinese Entertainment, Primeworks Studios, Media Prima Berhad
Sri Pentas, 3rd Floor, South Wing, Bandar Utama, 47800 Petaling Jaya,Selangor Darul Ehsan
On 7th October 2015, as scheduled, the Ntv 7 crews arrived at 11.00am.
The video shooting commenced when everything was set up and a briefing was done.
Close-up ......
Out door......
Special thanks to Miss Tan Shi Ai and Mr.Victor Lukas Labung, Assistants Producers of Ntv 7.
The program will be air at the end of October. Cheers!
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