Program Diskusi Numismatik Malaysia 3hb & 4hb Mei 2014.Kuantan Pahang.(Part 3).
In the "Numismatic Discussion Program Malaysia 2014" that organized by Kelab Warisan Numismatik Malaysia Kuantan, Pahang on 3rd and 4th of May 2014, I was invited to talk about the Malaysia Numismatic Society (MNS).
I touched on the history, objectives, activities, memberships and future programs of MNS in the seminar. Here were the working papers.
Contents/ Isi Kandungan
1. History / Sejarah
2. Objective / Matlamat
3. Membership / Keahlian
•7 Reasons Why You Should Be Part of Our Society
4. Society Activities /Aktiviti Kelab
5. Category of Membership / Kategori Keahlian
• Ordinary / Foreign Member
• Junior Member Club Membership
• Associate Club Membership
• Membership Application Form
6. Committee Members - 2014/2015 / Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa
7. References / Bahan Rujukan.
8. Anniversary Commemorate Medallion
• Malaysia Numismatic Society 10th Anniversary Commemorate Medallion.
• Malaysia Numismatic Society 40th Anniversary Commemorate Medallion.
Our Patron and MNS members at Akbar Restaurant, Kuala Lumpur on 27th March 1971.
The inaugural meeting of the Malaysia Numismatic Society (MNS) was held on 19th. May 1968 at the Malayan Nam Ann Low Clansman Association, 17C, Jalan Gereja, Kuala Lumpur. The Society's proposed rules and regulations, drafted by the late Mr. Sim Ewe Eong, were discussed and adopted.
The founder members present at the inaugural meeting were the late Mr. Sim Ewe Eong JSM. FRNS., the late Mr. H. Ottevanger, Mr. Tony Lye Fong Nge, the late Mr. C.C. Low, the late Mr. M.L.A. Rashid, Mr. Yee Yue Phang, Mr. Low Yow Tian and Mr. J.M.M. Bell.
The Society was formally registered by the Registrar of Societies on 2nd. October 1968. The registration number is 452 (Selangor) under file registration R.S.M. 489/68.
The registered address of the Society at its inception was No. 8, Jalan Utara, Petaling Jaya, Selangor (the late Mr. C.C. Low's residence). On 12th. July 1969, the address was changed to No. 3, Jalan Taman, Petaling Jaya, Selangor (the late Mr. H. Ottevanger's residence). The Society finally moved to its present permanent address c/o National Museum, Jalan Damansara, Kuala Lumpur on 29th. April 1971 by courtesy of the Director General of Museums Malaysia, Datuk Sharum bin Yub. We secured the present P.O. Box 12367 on 3rd. April 1969 to take care of all mail correspondence.
The Society's official website ( was launched on 7th. August 2005.
Founder Members & Pro-tem Office Bearers 1968.
Standing (L to R): M.L.A. Rashid, Yee Yue Phang, Late C.C.Low, Low Yow Tian (Committee Members) Seated (L to R): H. Ottevanger (Vice-President), Sim Ewe Eong (President), John M.M. Bell (Ex Vice- President), Late Tony Lye Fong Nge (Honorary Secretary)
• To promote the interest of members in the study of coins, medals, notes and other matters of numismatic interest.
• To bring members into closer relations with one another by discussion and interchange of ideas on the matters of numismatic interest.
• To issue to members latest information in the numismatic world through news bulletins, books etc.
• To arrange the exchange or sale of material of numismatic interest between members.
• To arrange the exchange of numismatic material between the society and other societies or clubs having similar objectives.
• To arrange the general collection and disposal of numismatic material for benefit of any charity, funds and other cause.
• To display coins at public and private exhibitions and by other similar means to foster interest in the science of numismatic.
• To acquire books, publications and other documents of numismatic interest and to maintain a numismatic library for general use of members.
• To hold auctions (usually four actions in a year).
7 Reasons Why You Should Be Part of Our Society
• We are the 1st and only society catering for coins and banknote collectors in Malaysia.
• Understand the investment value and potential of numismatic items.
• Understand and build a collecting career.
• Meet people with vast experience and authentication expertise.
• Gain specialist knowledge rapidly.
• Learn more about coin and banknote grading and international standards.
• Learn about bidding and participate in auctions held only for members.
Society Activities/Aktiviti Kelab
• Founder Members & Pro-tem Office Bearers 1968.
• Our Patron and MNS members at Akbar Restaurant, Kuala Lumpur on 27th March 1971.
• The Sixth Annual General Meeting on 24th February 1974.
• Photograph show some of our members meeting in Mr. Thomas J. Evans' House in March 1974.
• MNS Coin Convention held at Kuala Lumpur Hilton on 3rd. October 1976.
• The Tenth Management Committee 26th March 1978 - 17th March 1979
• One of the early MNS' auctions held in Ipoh at the Station Hotel. MNS Committee Members arranging items on the display table.
• The First International Coin Convention in Singapore was held at the Hotel New Ottani Singapore.
• Saturday 2nd December 1989. Sim Ewe Eong, President MNS and Chu Chui Lum, President SNA exchanging gifts during the MNS 21st. Anniversary Dinner held at Yazmin Restaurant, Kuala Lumpur.
• Sunday 3rd December 1989. Kon Tiki Room, Federal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. The first seven recipients of the Malaysia Numismatic Society Award: Pakar Numismatik Malaysia (PNM).
• A section of the crowd attending the MNS 100th Auction held on 30th July 1995 at Holiday Inn, Kuching, Sarawak.
Category of Membership/ Kategori Keahlian
Ordinary / Foreign Member: Any numismatist who attained the age of 18 years and resident in/out of Malaysia may apply to be an Ordinary / Foreign Member. The current Entrance Fee for Ordinary Members is RM20.00 and for Foreign Members is US$10.00. The current Annual Subscription for Ordinary Members is RM40.00 and Foreign Members is US$25.00. However, the Entrance Fee and Annual Subscription for Foreign Members residing in Singapore and Brunei is the same as Ordinary Members residing in Malaysia.
Junior Member: Any numismatist over 12 years but below the age of 18 and resident in Malaysia may apply to be a Junior Member. The Entrance Fee for Junior Members is RM5.00 and Annual Subscription is RM15.00.
Club Membership: Any Club, Society or Association domiciled in Malaysia with objectives similar to the Society may apply to be a Club Member. The fees payable will be the same as for Ordinary Members.
Associate Club Membership: Any Club, Society or Association domiciled outside Malaysia with objectives similar to the Society may apply to be an Associate Club Member. The fees payable will be the same as Foreign Members.
Membership Application Form: Kindly download the Application Form and send it to the Society either via post, fax or e-mail for approval.
All numismatists are welcome to join the Society. For existing members, kindly download the Update Form for your latest profile details update.
Committee Members - 2014/2015/ Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa
PATRON: YAB. Tan Sri Datuk Patinggi Hj Abdul Taib bin Mahmud
PRESIDENT: Mr. Thenakaran Nadarajah
1st. VICE PRESIDENT: Mr. Lawrence De Souza
2nd. VICE PRESIDENT: Dato' Sharuddin Bin Yusof DIMP AMP
HONORARY SECRETARY: Mr. Dickson Niew Cheng Kok
Mr. Cho Chun Loong
Mr. William Phang Kar Feei
Dr. Kong Wei Yen
En. Mohd Rani Bin Abdullah
Mr. Tan Tai Seng
WEBSITE TEAM MEMBERS: Mr. William Phang Kar Feei Mr. Cho Chun Loong
Mailing Address:
Malaysia Numismatic Society
P.O. Box 12367 50776
Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
References/ Bahan Rujukan.
(These are the few Books published by the Malaysian Numismatic Society for public circulation)
1. Malaysia Numismatic Society 21st Anniversary SAGA 1968 - 1989 Published by MNS in 1989
2. Malaysia Numismatic Society 30th Anniversary 1968 -1998
3. “Standard Catalogue of Coins and Bank Notes of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei 1700 – 1976” 403 pages. Compiled by Saran Singh, C. C. Low, Mohd Kassim bin Haji Ali and Tony Lye. (Published by the Malaysia Numismatic Society in 1976)
4. “Pictorial Guide to Grading of Malaysian Coins and Banknotes”-143 pages. (Published by the Malaysia Numismatic Society in 1978).
5. “The Encyclopaedia of the Coins of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei 1400 – 1986” – 675 pages, First Edition. (Published by the Malaysia Numismatic Society in 1986).
6. “The Encyclopaedia of the Coins of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei 1400 – 1967” – 604 pages, Second Edition (Published by the Malaysia Numismatic Society in 1996,
7. "Malaya and Sarawak Rubber Export Coupon 1922-1942”–40 pages.(Published by the Malaysia Numismatic Society in 1990)
8. “The Catalogue of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei Coins 1700 – 1974” – 92 pages (Published by the Malaysia Numismatic Society in 1974)
Anniversary Commemorate Medallion Of
Malaysia Numismatic Society
10th Anniversary Commemorate Medallion.
The Malaysia Numismatic Society celebrates 10th Anniversary (1968-1978). To commemorate this event, the Society produced a high quality limited edition made of 97% pure tin medallion by Selangor Pewter.
Malaysia Numismatic Society 40th Anniversary Commemorate Medallion.
The Malaysia Numismatic Society celebrates 40th Anniversary in 2008 (1968-2008). To commemorate this event, the Society produced a high quality limited edition individually serialized copper medallion. The proceeds from the sale of this medallion will go into the Society’s Building Fund. The price of the medallion is RM150.00 only. Only 300 pieces will be minted.
Special thanks to Mr. Selvam for his great help.
In the "Numismatic Discussion Program Malaysia 2014" that organized by Kelab Warisan Numismatik Malaysia Kuantan, Pahang on 3rd and 4th of May 2014, I was invited to talk about the Malaysia Numismatic Society (MNS).
I touched on the history, objectives, activities, memberships and future programs of MNS in the seminar. Here were the working papers.
Contents/ Isi Kandungan
1. History / Sejarah
2. Objective / Matlamat
3. Membership / Keahlian
•7 Reasons Why You Should Be Part of Our Society
4. Society Activities /Aktiviti Kelab
5. Category of Membership / Kategori Keahlian
• Ordinary / Foreign Member
• Junior Member Club Membership
• Associate Club Membership
• Membership Application Form
6. Committee Members - 2014/2015 / Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa
7. References / Bahan Rujukan.
8. Anniversary Commemorate Medallion
• Malaysia Numismatic Society 10th Anniversary Commemorate Medallion.
• Malaysia Numismatic Society 40th Anniversary Commemorate Medallion.
Our Patron and MNS members at Akbar Restaurant, Kuala Lumpur on 27th March 1971.
The founder members present at the inaugural meeting were the late Mr. Sim Ewe Eong JSM. FRNS., the late Mr. H. Ottevanger, Mr. Tony Lye Fong Nge, the late Mr. C.C. Low, the late Mr. M.L.A. Rashid, Mr. Yee Yue Phang, Mr. Low Yow Tian and Mr. J.M.M. Bell.
The Society was formally registered by the Registrar of Societies on 2nd. October 1968. The registration number is 452 (Selangor) under file registration R.S.M. 489/68.
The registered address of the Society at its inception was No. 8, Jalan Utara, Petaling Jaya, Selangor (the late Mr. C.C. Low's residence). On 12th. July 1969, the address was changed to No. 3, Jalan Taman, Petaling Jaya, Selangor (the late Mr. H. Ottevanger's residence). The Society finally moved to its present permanent address c/o National Museum, Jalan Damansara, Kuala Lumpur on 29th. April 1971 by courtesy of the Director General of Museums Malaysia, Datuk Sharum bin Yub. We secured the present P.O. Box 12367 on 3rd. April 1969 to take care of all mail correspondence.
The Society's official website ( was launched on 7th. August 2005.
Founder Members & Pro-tem Office Bearers 1968.
Standing (L to R): M.L.A. Rashid, Yee Yue Phang, Late C.C.Low, Low Yow Tian (Committee Members) Seated (L to R): H. Ottevanger (Vice-President), Sim Ewe Eong (President), John M.M. Bell (Ex Vice- President), Late Tony Lye Fong Nge (Honorary Secretary)
• To promote the interest of members in the study of coins, medals, notes and other matters of numismatic interest.
• To bring members into closer relations with one another by discussion and interchange of ideas on the matters of numismatic interest.
• To issue to members latest information in the numismatic world through news bulletins, books etc.
• To arrange the exchange or sale of material of numismatic interest between members.
• To arrange the exchange of numismatic material between the society and other societies or clubs having similar objectives.
• To arrange the general collection and disposal of numismatic material for benefit of any charity, funds and other cause.
• To display coins at public and private exhibitions and by other similar means to foster interest in the science of numismatic.
• To acquire books, publications and other documents of numismatic interest and to maintain a numismatic library for general use of members.
• To hold auctions (usually four actions in a year).
7 Reasons Why You Should Be Part of Our Society
• We are the 1st and only society catering for coins and banknote collectors in Malaysia.
• Understand the investment value and potential of numismatic items.
• Understand and build a collecting career.
• Meet people with vast experience and authentication expertise.
• Gain specialist knowledge rapidly.
• Learn more about coin and banknote grading and international standards.
• Learn about bidding and participate in auctions held only for members.
Society Activities/Aktiviti Kelab
• Founder Members & Pro-tem Office Bearers 1968.
• Our Patron and MNS members at Akbar Restaurant, Kuala Lumpur on 27th March 1971.
• The Sixth Annual General Meeting on 24th February 1974.
• Photograph show some of our members meeting in Mr. Thomas J. Evans' House in March 1974.
• MNS Coin Convention held at Kuala Lumpur Hilton on 3rd. October 1976.
• The Tenth Management Committee 26th March 1978 - 17th March 1979
• One of the early MNS' auctions held in Ipoh at the Station Hotel. MNS Committee Members arranging items on the display table.
• The First International Coin Convention in Singapore was held at the Hotel New Ottani Singapore.
• Saturday 2nd December 1989. Sim Ewe Eong, President MNS and Chu Chui Lum, President SNA exchanging gifts during the MNS 21st. Anniversary Dinner held at Yazmin Restaurant, Kuala Lumpur.
• Sunday 3rd December 1989. Kon Tiki Room, Federal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. The first seven recipients of the Malaysia Numismatic Society Award: Pakar Numismatik Malaysia (PNM).
• A section of the crowd attending the MNS 100th Auction held on 30th July 1995 at Holiday Inn, Kuching, Sarawak.
Category of Membership/ Kategori Keahlian
Ordinary / Foreign Member: Any numismatist who attained the age of 18 years and resident in/out of Malaysia may apply to be an Ordinary / Foreign Member. The current Entrance Fee for Ordinary Members is RM20.00 and for Foreign Members is US$10.00. The current Annual Subscription for Ordinary Members is RM40.00 and Foreign Members is US$25.00. However, the Entrance Fee and Annual Subscription for Foreign Members residing in Singapore and Brunei is the same as Ordinary Members residing in Malaysia.
Junior Member: Any numismatist over 12 years but below the age of 18 and resident in Malaysia may apply to be a Junior Member. The Entrance Fee for Junior Members is RM5.00 and Annual Subscription is RM15.00.
Club Membership: Any Club, Society or Association domiciled in Malaysia with objectives similar to the Society may apply to be a Club Member. The fees payable will be the same as for Ordinary Members.
Associate Club Membership: Any Club, Society or Association domiciled outside Malaysia with objectives similar to the Society may apply to be an Associate Club Member. The fees payable will be the same as Foreign Members.
Membership Application Form: Kindly download the Application Form and send it to the Society either via post, fax or e-mail for approval.
All numismatists are welcome to join the Society. For existing members, kindly download the Update Form for your latest profile details update.
Committee Members - 2014/2015/ Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa
PATRON: YAB. Tan Sri Datuk Patinggi Hj Abdul Taib bin Mahmud
PRESIDENT: Mr. Thenakaran Nadarajah
1st. VICE PRESIDENT: Mr. Lawrence De Souza
2nd. VICE PRESIDENT: Dato' Sharuddin Bin Yusof DIMP AMP
HONORARY SECRETARY: Mr. Dickson Niew Cheng Kok
Mr. Cho Chun Loong
Mr. William Phang Kar Feei
Dr. Kong Wei Yen
En. Mohd Rani Bin Abdullah
Mr. Tan Tai Seng
WEBSITE TEAM MEMBERS: Mr. William Phang Kar Feei Mr. Cho Chun Loong
Mailing Address:
Malaysia Numismatic Society
P.O. Box 12367 50776
Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
References/ Bahan Rujukan.
(These are the few Books published by the Malaysian Numismatic Society for public circulation)
1. Malaysia Numismatic Society 21st Anniversary SAGA 1968 - 1989 Published by MNS in 1989
2. Malaysia Numismatic Society 30th Anniversary 1968 -1998
3. “Standard Catalogue of Coins and Bank Notes of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei 1700 – 1976” 403 pages. Compiled by Saran Singh, C. C. Low, Mohd Kassim bin Haji Ali and Tony Lye. (Published by the Malaysia Numismatic Society in 1976)
4. “Pictorial Guide to Grading of Malaysian Coins and Banknotes”-143 pages. (Published by the Malaysia Numismatic Society in 1978).
5. “The Encyclopaedia of the Coins of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei 1400 – 1986” – 675 pages, First Edition. (Published by the Malaysia Numismatic Society in 1986).
6. “The Encyclopaedia of the Coins of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei 1400 – 1967” – 604 pages, Second Edition (Published by the Malaysia Numismatic Society in 1996,
7. "Malaya and Sarawak Rubber Export Coupon 1922-1942”–40 pages.(Published by the Malaysia Numismatic Society in 1990)
8. “The Catalogue of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei Coins 1700 – 1974” – 92 pages (Published by the Malaysia Numismatic Society in 1974)
Anniversary Commemorate Medallion Of
Malaysia Numismatic Society
10th Anniversary Commemorate Medallion.
The Malaysia Numismatic Society celebrates 10th Anniversary (1968-1978). To commemorate this event, the Society produced a high quality limited edition made of 97% pure tin medallion by Selangor Pewter.
Malaysia Numismatic Society 40th Anniversary Commemorate Medallion.
The Malaysia Numismatic Society celebrates 40th Anniversary in 2008 (1968-2008). To commemorate this event, the Society produced a high quality limited edition individually serialized copper medallion. The proceeds from the sale of this medallion will go into the Society’s Building Fund. The price of the medallion is RM150.00 only. Only 300 pieces will be minted.

Special thanks to Mr. Selvam for his great help.
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