Malaysia 8th Series RM10 (1996-1998) 3 In 1 Uncut Bank Note With Mismatched Serial Numbers.
One or more numerals of one serial number may not exactly match the same numerals of a second serial number overprinted on the obverse or reverse of a bank note. Serial numbers are commonly applied to a note after the obverse and reverse designs have already been completed.The serial numbers are usually added by a pair of counting wheels manually set and then automatically advanced as a new sheet is moved into position.To a far lesser extent, the prefix letter that begins a serial number or the suffix letter at the end may be mismatched from one serial number to the other on the same note.
A mismatched serial number or prefix (or suffix) letter is sometimes caused when the two counting wheels are not initially set to a accurately coincide with one another.In this case, notes on subsequent sheets will have mismatched serial numbers until the error, which is not always immediately apparent,is discovered and rectified.
This Malaysia 8th series RM10 note was issued in 1997 under Malaysia 8th series (1996-1998),the Bank Negara Governor was Tan Sri Dato' Ahmad Bin Don. A total of 20,000 sets were issued in 3 in 1 uncut sheets with folder.
I am very thankful to a senior collector from East Coast of Malaysia who is very kind to allowed me to inherit his collection of a very rare consecutive 5-digit mismatched serial numbers. There is Prefix: AD with serial numbers 0205373 in horizontal position and with same Prefix:AD but different serial numbers 2054873 in vertical position.(ADxxxxx73 and ADxxxxx73) of this 8th series RM10-3 in 1 uncut sheets with folder.
One or more numerals of one serial number may not exactly match the same numerals of a second serial number overprinted on the obverse or reverse of a bank note. Serial numbers are commonly applied to a note after the obverse and reverse designs have already been completed.The serial numbers are usually added by a pair of counting wheels manually set and then automatically advanced as a new sheet is moved into position.To a far lesser extent, the prefix letter that begins a serial number or the suffix letter at the end may be mismatched from one serial number to the other on the same note.
A mismatched serial number or prefix (or suffix) letter is sometimes caused when the two counting wheels are not initially set to a accurately coincide with one another.In this case, notes on subsequent sheets will have mismatched serial numbers until the error, which is not always immediately apparent,is discovered and rectified.
This Malaysia 8th series RM10 note was issued in 1997 under Malaysia 8th series (1996-1998),the Bank Negara Governor was Tan Sri Dato' Ahmad Bin Don. A total of 20,000 sets were issued in 3 in 1 uncut sheets with folder.
I am very thankful to a senior collector from East Coast of Malaysia who is very kind to allowed me to inherit his collection of a very rare consecutive 5-digit mismatched serial numbers. There is Prefix: AD with serial numbers 0205373 in horizontal position and with same Prefix:AD but different serial numbers 2054873 in vertical position.(ADxxxxx73 and ADxxxxx73) of this 8th series RM10-3 in 1 uncut sheets with folder.
Dickson, again thanks for sharing. You indicated the rarity as RRRR. Frankly this is the second time I have seen such an error. I have in my possession five pieces of RM5 in crisp unc condition with serial number B/23 909537-909541 and with B/23 900537 - 900541. I have seen some of the notes similar to what I had on sale in in the website some time ago but not any more now.
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteHappy Sunday and thank you for dropping by. I indicated the rarity as RRRR because it happened on a UNCUT Banknotes.Never before I have seen one.
As those in your possession five pieces of RM5 in crisp unc condition with serial number B/23 909537-909541 and with B/23 900537 - 900541. I have seen some of these similar RM5 B/23 banknotes in some of the Singapore Auctions.I did a small researched on this RM5 B/23, from the different of the mismatched serial numbers, there are more then 800 pieces floating out there in the market.A piece of the earliest number was listed on one of the Error Book published by a Japanese collector.
Happy Niewmismatic!