What Our Bank Negara Malaysia Do With Our Defaced Coins and Banknotes ?
Act 519
Coins tampered with or notes defaced
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Tampered With Bad Intention. |
Section 25.
A coin shall be deemed to have been tampered with if the
coin has been impaired, diminished or lightened otherwise than
by fair wear and tear or has been defaced by stamping, engraving
or piercing, whether the coin shall or shall not have been thereby
diminished or lightened, and a note shall be deemed to have been
defaced if any word, sign, symbol, drawing, caricature, or other
thing whatsoever, has been written, inscribed, or in any other
manner or by any other means whatsoever has been shown on its
surface, or if it is torn, marred, burnt, injured, spoilt or otherwise
howsoever mutilated.
Withdrawal of notes and coins and their disposal
Tumbled Coins. Defaced By Washing Machine. |
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Plain Edge Of Tumble Damaged Coins |
Section 26.
(1) The Bank may take all such steps as it may deem
appropriate to withdraw from circulation coins which are worn
or which have been tampered with, or note which are defaced,
or unfit for circulation, and may destroy, deal with or otherwise
dispose of the same in such manner as may be directed in writing
by the Governor or any Deputy Governor or other officer of the
Bank as may be authorized in writing by either the Governor or
any Deputy Governor.
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Man Made Double Struck Coins By Caveat Emptors. Post Mint Job. No Numismatic Value. |
(2) The provisions of subsection (1) as to destruction or disposal
of, or dealing with, notes and coins shall apply to notes and coins
which have been called in and will cease to be, or have ceased
to be, legal tender under subsection 24(3).
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Waffle Cancelled Coin. |
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